The data passing through the pipe may be modified by the pipe as follows.
H option
html conversion - some special characters are translated into html tokens such as < This must be specified on the file handle that does the write.
copy ram:test AWNPipe:test/h
copy AWNPipe:test ram:test2
G option
The same as the H option above, except that any special html character preceded by an '@' is not converted. The preceding '@' is removed during the translation process.
U option
UNhtml conversion - some html tokens such as < are translated into special character. This must be specified on the file handle that does the writing.
copy ram:test AWNPipe:test/u
copy AWNPipe:test ram:test2
P option
AWebPost conversion - some special characters are translated into standard ascii. This must be specified on the file handle that does the writing.
copy ram:test AWNPipe:test/p
copy AWNPipe:test ram:test2
B option
backwards blocks - characters read from a pipe are returned in reverse order of the writes. This is in blocks of characters. This must be specified on the file handle that does the reading.
copy ram:test AWNPipe:test/p
copy AWNPipe:test ram:test2
writes .....
reads as
Funny things can happen if you read before all writes are completed.
O option
Adds the text '<option>' after every '0a'x . I use it in AWebNews.